Deep Instinct

Find Threats Your Tools Have Missed – Guaranteed

Enterprise Organizations: Get Your Free Malware & Ransomware Scan

Scan as much or as little of your data as you want for 24 hours. With an average scan speed of <20ms per file, your biggest challenge will be deciding what to scan next.

Because we have the only deep learning framework purpose-built for cybersecurity, we can guarantee that we will identify threats your current tools are missing.

In just one day, you’ll:

  • Discover unknown threats hiding in your environment
  • Experience zero disruptions to operations
  • Get a complete assessment report featuring detailed AI analysis of all prevented threats

Choose Your Scan Environment

  • Deploy in the Deep Instinct Labs Environment: A streamlined, managed experience.
  • Deploy in Your AWS S3 Environment: Experience DSX in your production or test Amazon S3 environment.





Fill out the form for your free scan and an engineer will reach out to answer any questions.

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